Bob Ovenden
Wildlife Photography
Wild life photography around Yarraman South East Queensland
The text on these pages are from Wikipedia unless secified.
All Images (c) Bob Ovenden
Silver Eye
Taking its name from a ring of white feathers around each eye. it has bold white eye-rings, bright olive green head and wings; dark grey mantle, pale grey throat, breast grading to whitish under the tail. Rich brown flanks. Females are similar to males in colouring but tend to be slightly paler than the male of the pair. Juveniles are paler. Grows to 11-13 cm long.
Silvereyes are lively little birds, constantly active, with much calling as they move between plants feeding on wild or cultivated flowers, orchards and vineyard fruit. Silvereyes usually pair permanently as juveniles in their first winter. They establish territories and older birds stay close to their territory but allow other birds to forage there. They often forage outside their own territory, especially when feedings nestlings and fledglings.
Breeds from August to January or February. The nest is a small cup, 65 millimetres in diameter, made of fine grasses, cobweb, hair, sometimes animal fur; and lined with fine material. The nest is usually suspended from small, almost horizontal branches, in outer foliage 1 to 5 metres above the ground. Male and female build the nest and share incubation and feeding.
Two to four, eggs are laid; plain blue or blue-green in colour; Incubated for 10 to 13 days. Young are fed insects first, later being fed fruit; they fledge in 9 to 12 days.