Bob Ovenden
Wildlife Photography
Wild life photography around Yarraman South East Queensland
The text on these pages are from Wikipedia unless secified.
All Images (c) Bob Ovenden
Restless Flycatcher
It is about 20 cm (8 in) long, with a glossy dark blue crest, a grey-blue back and white underparts. It is similar to the willie wagtail, though the lack of a black throat, white eyebrow and slenderer body shape are distinguishing features.
Distribution and Habitat[
The Restless Flycatcher is found throughout east, south-east and south-west Australia and coastal islands. From Cairns in Far North Queensland into west of Central Queensland and most of New South Wales, Victoria, southern South Australia and south-west of Western Australia. During winter many south and south-eastern populations move further north.[9] Its habitat is usually open and wooded forests, in river red gums near water, inland and coastal scrubs and some semi-urban environments.[10]
Behaviour and ecology
The restless flycatcher builds a cup-shaped nest from shredded bark and grasses, matted and bound with spider-webbing. Linings used are soft bark, grasses, hair or feathers. It is often decorated with lichen, strips of bark or spiders' egg sacs. The nest site is in the fork of a well-foliaged tree mostly near or overhanging water, though it can be up to twenty or more metres above the ground.[11] They will lay three, light-grey to white glossy eggs with brown or dark spots at the larger end.
Food and feeding[
The restless flycatcher feeds on insects, as well as other invertebrates such as spiders and centipedes and will feed alone or in pairs. It often hovers with its head and tail pointed downwards as it picks insects off from leaves, and it rarely goes to the ground, preferring to hunt insects from mid-canopy